Debacle's Best of 2014 - Albums (Sam)


The Big Four

SHXCXCHCXSH - Liner S Decoded (Avian)

"Shoegaze Techno" of the best type. I liked this bands previous albums, but Liner S Decoded is out-of-this-world good. 

Ian William Craig - A Turn of Breath (Recital) 

Heartbreaking beauty. I can barely stand to put this album on just because the emotional roller coaster. 

Vessel - Punish, Honey (Tri Angle)

I don't know how to classify this album. Slimey electronic industrial sex jams? Gothic electro strut?  

Sylvan Esso - S/T (Partisan)

I will listen to anything Amelia Meath sings, over and over and over again.


Things I also enjoyed quite a bit:

Chris Forsyth & the Solar Motel Band - Intensity Ghost 

Container - Adhesive

Rrose - Monad XVI

Lakker - Mountain Divide

COH - To Beat

Powell - Club Music

Bing & Ruth - Tomorrow Was the Golden Age

The Bug - Angels & Devils

Jo Johnson - Weaving

Ela Stiles - Ela Stiles

Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels 2

Guillotine - National Razor

Objeckt - Flatland

Kerridge - A Fallen Empire

Perc - The Power and the Glory


I also was criminally late to the party on:

Giant Claw - Dark Web

Low Jack - Garifuna Variations


Things I was sad I didnt connect with for one reason or another:

Aphex Twin - Syro

Lee Gamble - Koch

Call Super - Ecto

Dean Blunt - Black Metal

Also I really was out of the loop on what looks to be a fantastic year of metal albums.